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Andy Polo is wrongly registered, indicates Mannucci’s claim about Universitario before the FPF body

The match between Carlos A. Mannucci and Universitario de Deportes does not seem to have finished last Sunday, May 15, at the Mansiche stadium. Everything indicates that the commitment corresponding to matchday 14 of the Opening Tournament of League 1 still has one more chapter to develop due to a claim presented by the northerners.

According to the Radio Ovación portal, this Monday, the ‘Carlistas’ formally addressed the Justice Commission of the Peruvian Football Federation to point out that Andy Polo, forward of the ‘creams’, is wrongly registered.

In this sense, Mannucci presented a series of arguments to support what was indicated in the protest about the Universitario soccer player. In the first instance, those from Trujillo state that the registration of the Pass Book closed on March 8 and that, for an athlete to be correctly registered, he must have undergone medical examinations.

The aforementioned medical tests must be done in a medical center that has the club’s accreditation, in this case the ‘U’. In addition, this process must have the approval of the Professional Football Sports Association (ADFP).

The requirement of medical examinations is key because it belongs to the documentation that the institution presents when it registers the soccer player. So what is the problem? Mannucci maintains that Polo arrived in Peru on March 12, four days after he closed the Pass Book. In this context, it is possible that Andy has not complied with the medical test on time in our country.

For that reason, the ‘Carlistas’ are requesting the three points from the clash played at home over the weekend and which ended 0-0. The people of Trujillo indicate that, after what was stated above, Andy Polo participated in the actions (he was the starter and was replaced at 68 ′ by Guillermo Larios), for which Universitario incurred an improper alignment.

Source: Elcomercio

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