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Moscow is stepping up its offensive in the Donbass…

6:17 am: Civilians killed in the Donbass according to kyiv

In Severodonetsk, a city that has become important to Ukrainians since Moscow-backed separatist forces seized part of the Donbass in 2014, “at least 10 people have been killed” in Russian bombings, the governor of the capital announced on Monday. the region. This city is almost surrounded by the forces of Moscow.

In a previous message on Monday, Serguiï Gaïdaï had reported artillery strikes on Severodonetsk and its twin city of Lysychank, having caused fires in residential areas. “Severodonetsk suffered very powerful strikes,” he added, accompanying his message with photographs of the destruction.

Despite calls from Ukrainian authorities to evacuate Lysytchansk, which is separated from Severodonetsk only by a river, more than 20,000 civilians – compared to 100,000 inhabitants before the war – remained, according to volunteers who distribute aid in the region.

Source: 20minutes

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