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“Don’t talk to me about the list”: Paolo Guerrero spoke one day after Gareca gave those summoned

“Don’t talk to me about the list”: Paolo Guerrero spoke one day after Gareca gave those summoned

“Don’t talk to me about the list”: Paolo Guerrero spoke one day after Gareca gave those summoned

After his arrival in Peru, Paolo Guerrero He is training in La Videna, after overcoming his knee injury. The ‘Predator’ confessed that his knee is clinically fine. Also, he asked that they not talk to him about the squad list that he will give Ricardo Gareca This Friday, May 20.

“The knee is responding well to me. I said it from the beginning, I have come here to work, to feel good until I find a team. Clinically, I’m fine with my knee, it’s been responding very well to me”Paolo declared to the press as he left La Videna.

Guerrero stated that in the American country they gave him a medical discharge to return to training and get in his best physical shape. “In the United States they gave me a medical discharge to return to training”.

Finally, he referred to the squad list that Ricardo Gareca will give tomorrow at noon. “Don’t talk to me about the list (…) I don’t know if they’re going to call me or not. I stay active because I need to play again”he asserted.


If you want to see the broadcast of Ricardo Gareca’s conference, you should follow GOLPERU, which is channel 14 or 714 in HD, Movistar Deportes on its channels 3 and 703 in HD, and finally FPF Play, which is the online streaming platform of the Peruvian Federation. de Fútbol where you will see it live and direct.


In a conversation with Radio Ovación, the manager of the FPF teams, Antonio García Pye, indicated that there would be between 25 and 30: “We have to wait patiently for the issue of the call. And it is that, not being clear about who the rival will be, I imagine that the technical command of the Peruvian National Team has different strategies in mind and therefore, surely, it will handle a larger number of players than usual. They should be between 25 and 30 players summoned “

Source: Elcomercio

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