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FPF will organize a seminar for minors’ technicians with international speakers

The Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) is about to celebrate a centenary since its creation and the authorities continue to work to improve this discipline in the country. In this sense, the highest governing body in our country announced that it will hold an academic training event focused on professionals specialized in the categories of minors.

Through a statement, the FPF announced that it has been planning, together with Conmebol, the development of the first Seminar for the Development of Our Own Methodology aimed at the Heads of the Technical Units for Minors, both for the clubs of League 1 Like League 2.

According to the announcement, the appointment will take place in person at the Videna auditorium, on the 24th; May 25 and 26. The participants will be able to use the sports fields for the practices that will be carried out. In the same way, the event will be broadcast live on the FPF YouTube account, for the benefit of all the coaches involved in the training of minors.

As it was known, Jorge Burruchaga, Francisco Maturana, Gerardo Pelusso and Alejandro Garay are some of the figures who will be in charge of giving the talk. Let us remember that all of them are part of the group of technical experts of CONMEBOL and are present in this class of seminars through the Evolution program.

For the Peruvian Football Federation, it is very important to promote the training of technicians who work directly in professional football and youth football. That is why we want to always be at the forefront of training methodologies and we decided to bring world-class speakers for the benefit of Peruvian professionals, mainly from League 1 and League 2.″, pointed out the president of the FPF, Mg. Ing. Agustín Lozano.

We thank in advance the personalities who will arrive in our country and also the CONMEBOL authorities who have collaborated with the FPF to carry out this event.”, sentenced the head of the Peruvian Football Federation.

Source: Elcomercio

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