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Gareca on the dances of the Australian goalkeeper: “I have nothing to say”

Gareca on the dances of the Australian goalkeeper: “I have nothing to say”

Gareca on the dances of the Australian goalkeeper: “I have nothing to say”

Andrew Redmayne became a hero of Australia before the peruvian national team in the playoff Qatar 2022. He entered for penalties and was decisive, but what caught the most attention was his way of approaching each intervention. In this regard, he spoke Ricardo Garecawithout the intention of arguing after the fall of the bicolor.

The ‘Socceroos’ goalkeeper performed a peculiar choreography to distract the bicolor kickers, achieving his goal against Alex Valera in the last shot of the shootout.

However, this was minimized by the ‘Tiger’ in the press conference after the match. “If it is within the regulations, I have nothing to say, that is handled by the referee”, Gareca limited himself to saying about the ‘show’ of the Australian goalkeeper.

Before the microphones, Gareca also expressed feeling “A big disappointment”, “pain” Y “bitterness” for having lost the option of going to the World Cup and pointed out that it is not yet time to decide if he will continue leading the ‘Blanquirroja’.

I have nothing to say about the boys, they gave everything (in the match), only (I feel) the logical disappointment of having been left out of such an important event”, declared the Argentine strategist after the playoff that Australia won on penalties.

Source: Elcomercio

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