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Bernardo Cuesta: “We took an important step towards what the rest of the year will be like”

Bernardo Cuesta: “We took an important step towards what the rest of the year will be like”

Bernardo Cuesta: “We took an important step towards what the rest of the year will be like”

Melgar achieved the goal and became the winner of the Opening Tournament of League 1, despite having tied goalless with Alianza Atlético, in the closing of this first part of the Peruvian league. After the achievement in the heat of Sullana, Bernardo Cuesta took the floor and expressed his happiness.

“We have played many games of suffering, but this team knows how to play these games. He has learned a lot from what we had to live through last year. Today, we can harvest all that we sowed in 2021. It is a great joy and happiness”, The Argentine pointed out in an interview with GOLPERU.

Cuesta, author of 13 goals in the year with a red and black shirt, acknowledged that Melgar’s presentation this Sunday was not one of the best, but he highlighted other characteristics of the team.

“It wasn’t our best game, we’re aware, but sometimes you have to play it differently. You have to know the moments, take advantage of them. When you can’t play, you have to put something else. You have to put the sacrifice, the union, the solidarity. Beyond the man less, this team knew how to demonstrate it. I think we had a positive result to leave us winners”analyzed.

The Argentine dedicated the victory to the faithful fans and also had a message for his family and that of his teammates. “There are many people I saw in Colombia, now I see them here. There are families. This is for the whole family that is in Arequipa. We haven’t seen each other for many days.” Indian.

Finally, the 33-year-old athlete admitted that the ultimate goal is to be crowned national champions. “This is part of the way. We know that there is still a long way to go, but we took an important step towards what the rest of the year is going to be”, sentenced.

Source: Elcomercio

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