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Juan Vargas reappears with a Universitario shirt in the Copa Leyendas de Fútbol 7 tournament

He will defend the cream shirt again. John Vargas reappeared in the Copa Leyendas de Fútbol 7 tournament. The former soccer player from academic It is one of the novelties in the Closing Tournament of the competition that has many followers in the country.

Upon his exit to the field of play, Juan Vargas received applause and was greeted by some fans who were nearby. Mauro Cantoro and José Carranza are also on the cream squad.

In an interview with GolPerú, Puma spoke about Juan’s return: “We have new players like Juan Vargas. We will get to know each other little by little and thus improve. The most important thing is that people enjoy and that we participate in the best way”.

Juan Vargas played his last two years as a professional soccer player wearing a Universitario de Deportes shirt in the 2018 season. He played 48 games and scored 6 goals. His debut was also in the cream jersey in 2002.

The ‘Loco’ defended the shirt of the Peruvian national team for many years and played for Colón, Catania, Fiorentina, Genoa and Real Betis. In Italy he had the opportunity to play in the Champions League.

Source: Elcomercio

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