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This is “Salt”, the first film made only with artificial intelligence and in which you can participate

“Salt” is a science fiction film in the style of the 70s and 80s. It is also the first film created entirely with artificial intelligences image generators.

AI-based image generators are making their way at a fast pace and thousands of users have already been using them for art projects. Among them, Fabian Stelzer has set out to make a movie. Stelzer has been working for months and publishing “Salt” short filmswith all the contents created with the AI ​​Stable Diffusion, Midjourney and DALL-E 2.

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Scenes are not just static images, but they also have narrations and voices which are spawned with the AI ​​Synthesia and Murf. As soon as to the script, it is written by the generator called GPT-3.

Stelzer periodically shares Salt clips on his Twitter account, gradually building up the film. Also, users voteafter each new delivery, about what they believe should happen next in the story.

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Salt’s plot does not yet have a very definite course. Is about a distant planet called Kaplan 3in which abounds a huge amount of salt. This salt, however, leads to dangerous situations and puts spaceships at risk and crews. In between also other timelines and parallel stories.

The shorts are usually no more than two minutes long and are full of detailed images of scenarios inside cabins, voids in space and alternate worlds.

AI-created setting for the Salt shorts. (Photo: Salt)

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Stelzer told CNN that it takes half a day to make each short film and that he hopes in the future to put the pieces together so that Salt becomes a full-length film. According to him, to create each image with AI, he elaborates phrases such as “a sci-fi research outpost near a mining cave”, “dark and beige atmosphere” Y “salt crusts on the wall”.

Source: Elcomercio

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