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Stein players were separated for alleged link with bets, revealed Brandon Palacios

Stein players were separated for alleged link with bets, revealed Brandon Palacios

Stein players were separated for alleged link with bets, revealed Brandon Palacios

The regular stage of League 1 came to an end and one of the clubs that lost the category was Carlos Stein, just one year after being promoted. After completing the team’s participation in the tournament, a controversial detail was revealed: Brandon Palacios, scorer for the ‘Carlistas’ in the season, indicated that the highest authority of the institution separated some players due to an alleged link with bets.

This Tuesday, the 24-year-old footballer spoke to the press and provided details: “This is a very sensitive issue, because they are supposedly saying that there are people involved in gambling. They are people that I know, I esteem and I have a lot of affection for them, so I don’t think they are in those things, but the president says that he has evidence and that they were separated for something “.

From it, Brandon Palacios stated the request he made for Carlos Stein’s boss: “He must have his reasons and I have told him that if he has evidence, to show it. So, until I teach something, I am not going to believe anything that is said at all”.

“Supposedly that’s why it was the separation of the players (eight) and in the end it didn’t end up being anything good for the team. It was the president’s decision, I don’t know more about the subject, the only thing I know is what I’m telling. The truth, as I say, I’m not going to believe anything until I see the evidence.”he added.

In addition, Palacios stressed that the players who were marginalized “They waited for them to tell them something, some reason, and they didn’t agree with them”. “This was from one moment to another, they will travel to a match and they were separated when they returned. It is something that does not seem to me, but it is their thing. It is something very delicate, I would not get involved in those things and I would never do it. Each one, depending on whether it is true or not, sees their issues”added the flyer.

Finally, Brandon declared that the absence of these players had a negative impact on Carlos Stein, although he never lowered his arms. “We went down and it affected a lot. There wasn’t much left for the team to save, but I kept playing the same way I had all year. Thank God I was given the opportunity to score goals and show that I can be here and not go down to the second division”concluded the son of ‘Chorri’.

Source: Elcomercio

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