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Palestinian PM laments ‘rise of extremism’ in Israel election

Palestinian PM laments ‘rise of extremism’ in Israel election

Palestinian PM laments ‘rise of extremism’ in Israel election

The Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammed Shtayehsaid today that the results of the exit polls of the Israeli elections, which position the far-right Religious Zionism list as the third force, show the “growth of extremism and racism” between part of society Israeli.

”The Rise of Far Right Religious Parties in Israeli Elections” are “natural result of the growing manifestations of extremism and racism in Israeli society”declared Shtayeh, who warned of the danger for the Palestinians of a possible rise to power of this openly anti-Arab sector and defender of the annexation of the Palestinian territories.

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The president was also indifferent to the possibility that the final results of the elections will tilt in favor or against the pro- or anti-Netanyahu bloc, since “The difference between the Israeli parties is the same as between Pepsi and Coca-Cola.”

Given this, he remarked that “no one” among the Palestinians “would be under the illusion that the Israeli elections would produce a partner for peace, in light of aggressive policies and practices” of Israel in occupied territory.

In fact, the two main leaders of that movement, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir, are settlers living in settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Faced with this reality “The Palestinian people will not stop their legitimate struggle to end the occupation, gain their freedom and establish an independent state,” Shtayeh assured.


The occupied West Bank, where the Palestinian National Authority governs some areas, is experiencing its most violent year since 2015 – when the Knife Intifada broke out – with 136 Palestinian deaths in attacks, violent incidents or armed clashes with Israel. On the Israeli side, 23 people have died, 16 of them civilians.

Source: Elcomercio

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