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Hirving Lozano sees “a great opportunity” in the duel between Mexico vs.  Argentina for the Qatar 2022 World Cup

Hirving Lozano sees “a great opportunity” in the duel between Mexico vs. Argentina for the Qatar 2022 World Cup

Hirving Lozano sees “a great opportunity” in the duel between Mexico vs.  Argentina for the Qatar 2022 World Cup

Hoping in the highest. Hirving Lozano highlighted that the situation in which both Argentina and Mexico arrive at the Qatar 2022 World Cup event projects “a good chance” for his team because the albiceleste team is in need and that can be beneficial.

“We both played something important. It is a great opportunity. The games last more than ninety minutes because there is a lot added. We must have patience. And be smart.” Lozano indicated that he remembered the potential of Argentina with Messi.

“They have the best in the world who for me is Messi, but they have the responsibility to go for everything. He is the best in the world and for me it is a special moment”, said the Napoli player who meets Argentina again, a black beast for Mexican soccer.

“I remember the game in 2010 that was balanced even though we lost. I think this time the situation is up to us.” Lozano said.

“Against Poland it was a difficult match, they are a great opponent. We played a great game and now it’s time with Argentina, which is difficult, with the best in the world. We are working to get to this game in the best way”pointed out the Napoli player.

“Arabia’s result with Argentina was surprising. Arabia planned the game very well and it turned out perfectly. We always respect our rivals and we will enter the game against Argentina in the best possible way”, Hirving Lozano insisted that he enhanced the quality of his selection.

“We have great footballers with a lot of quality. We face a great rival, but we always have hope, with the opportunity to advance. We are on the right track, we have a good opportunity and the coach is going to tell us how to do it”, assured the Napoli footballer.

Mexico is led by the Argentine Gerardo Martino who led the albiceleste and knows its members.

“Martino tells us a lot about Argentina, he knows them well. He has experience of knowing the opponent well. I hope it turns out for the best.” Lozano specified.

Source: Elcomercio

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