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Martín Távara breaks his silence and makes mea culpa: “I want to apologize”

After his separation from Sporting Cristal and a long period of silence, martin tavara He spoke this Thursday with a message in which he offered a public apology for the extra-sports behavior that distanced him from the Rimense first team and from the definition of the last season of Liga 1, while the light blue team fought for the title. “I’m assuming my mistakes”, he wrote via Instagram.

I know I’ve been absent all this time. These have been very difficult weeks for all of us who are involved in this situation, directly or indirectly, and that is why I decided to keep this issue private so as not to continue affecting third parties.”, The national midfielder began by saying, separated from the Bajopontino team in the definition of League 1 2022 after being denounced for psychological and physical violence against his ex-partner.

First of all, I want to start by apologizing to all those who have been affected by my actions in recent months, where I have been making bad decisions in many ways, without listening to the people who gave me advice and who want the best for me.”, he added through stories on the social network. “I am assuming my mistakes and trying to correct each one of them with the people involved and I am also making every effort to improve day by day, hand in hand with professionals and with the help of my family who accompanies me and all the people who supports me from near or far and who continues to trust me”, he indicated.

I thank everyone, without exception, those who support me and those who criticize me, I take the best of both parties to constantly improve as a person. Keep going”, declared Távara.

Days before, the president of Sporting Cristal announced that the midfielder would be given a second chance. “It is considered in sports planning. We know he’s been a standout player of late, especially last season, but he made a mistake. And that error, as was done with the four previous cases, warranted a sanction and that sanction was the immediate separation of the professional team for the current season “Joel Raffo said at a press conference.

Source: Elcomercio

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