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“Who started?” Putin wants to keep hitting Ukraine’s energy infrastructure

He persists and assumes. Russian President Vladimir Putin assured on Thursday that his country would continue strikes against Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. “Yes, we know, but who started it? he said on the sidelines of the awards ceremony in the Kremlin.

Vladimir Putin presents these explosions as a response to the explosion that damaged the Crimean bridge. He also accused Kiev of “blowing up the power lines of a nuclear power plant in Kursk,” a Russian region bordering Ukraine, and of “not supplying water” to the pro-Russian separatist stronghold of Donetsk in Ukraine. country.

“Act of genocide” in Donetsk

“Not supplying water to a city with a million inhabitants is an act of genocide,” he continued, accusing Westerners of turning a blind eye to these actions of Ukrainian officials. “For our part, as soon as we start doing something in response, the noise, din, crackle spreads throughout the universe,” Vladimir Putin joked. This will not prevent us from completing our combat missions. »

VIDEO. Zelensky at the front, Putin on the bridge… war of images of two presidents

After the attack on the Crimean Bridge in October, Russia fired missiles at civilian energy infrastructure, cutting off electricity to millions of Ukrainians, even water and heating, as the freezing winter set in.

According to Ukrainian operator Ukrenergo, the electricity system was still suffering from “significant shortages” on Thursday after the latest Russian strikes on Monday.

Source: Le Parisien

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