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Lionel Messi’s emotional letter and video to all Argentines after being world champion | VIDEO

The path is often stony. Lionel Messi he knows. He knows the bitter taste of defeat, the thrill of being so close and feeling so devastated after his dream was taken from him. But today, yesterday, from December 18, 2022, no more. The ’10’ reached maximum glory.

The PSG star won his second national team title after beating France on penalties in the World Cup final. He had lifted the first, the Copa América, at the Maracana.

Drunk with emotions and memories, ‘Leo’ took the opportunity to publish a heartfelt letter in which he recalls his beginnings in football, his dream of defending the ‘Albiceleste’ and his desire to be world champion. He remembered Diego Armando Maradona, the teammates who accompanied him in “that damn final” against Germany in the 2014 World Cup.

In addition, the letter is accompanied by an equally moving video. Where the most iconic moments experienced by the footballer are reviewed. In the background you can hear the song ‘Arrancármelo’ by the urban artist WOS, a recurring artist on the seven-time Ballon d’Or playlist.

Messi’s letter to all Argentines

From Grandoli to the World Cup in Qatar, almost 30 years passed. It was close to three decades in which the ball gave me many joys and also some sadness. I always had the dream of being a World Champion and I didn’t want to stop trying, even knowing that it might never happen.

This Cup that we won is also for all those who did not achieve it in the previous World Cups that we played, like in 2014 in Brazil, where everyone deserved it because of how they fought until the very final, worked hard and wanted it as much as I did… And we deserved it even in that damn ending.

It is also from Diego who encouraged us from heaven. And of all those who always bankrolled the National Team without looking so much at the result but rather the desire that we always put into it, also when things did not go as we wanted.

And of course, it is from all this beautiful group that was formed and from the coaching staff and all the people from the national team who, being anonymous, work day and night to make it easier for us.

Many times failure is part of the journey and of learning, and without disappointment it is impossible for success to come.

Thank you very much from the heart! Let’s go Argentina!!!

Source: Elcomercio

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