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Failing to win, have the Girondins (finally) taken care of their heads?

Failing to win, have the Girondins (finally) taken care of their heads?

Failing to win, have the Girondins (finally) taken care of their heads?

Some would say that it is above all about success. Even a lot of success in view of the very happy draw of the Girondins de Bordeaux this Sunday against Rennes (1-1) at Matmut Atlantique during the 8th day of Ligue 1. Except that it is far from the first time this season that Vladimir Petkovic’s players are scrambling to get a result. A strength of character which made it possible to bring back two draws from Marseille (2-2) and Montpellier (3-3), a victory for Saint-Etienne (2-1) or to recover two goals in Lens before losing in additional time (2-3).

Against the Bretons, the Bordelais still passed very close to the correctional in the final minutes on a strike from Flavien Tait while Edson Mexer had miraculously equalized. So of course in this kind of situation, we can always see the glass half full or half empty with a team only “in reaction” as pointed out by the Girondins midfielder Otavio after the defeat against the Sang et Or. that the Bordeaux supporters were not used to seeing their team being able to come back to score like that in recent seasons. It was even rather the opposite with players who collapsed completely “at the slightest grain of sand in the machine” as Jean-Louis Gasset regularly recalled last season.

Recruits not traumatized

Moreover, it was Otavio himself who said it again a few weeks ago: “The problem is mental” for the Girondins! It was therefore one of the big projects for the new management team and especially the new coach, Vladimir Petkovic. We could even say that it was the priority of the former coach of the Nati. And the fact that he has a degree in psychology is of course not unrelated to his coming to Gironde. If his serenity on the sidelines can reassure the players, regardless of the scenario of the meeting, there would in reality not be much to this change of state of mind: “Apart from an individual interview with each player when he arrived, he did not set up anything specific on that side, ”explains a close relative of the Bordeaux team.

For this former member of the house, it is more due to the fact that “half of the team was changed in the offseason and that some perhaps more fragile players left the ship. Players marked by previous years like De Préville or Basic. “Among the newcomers who have not been traumatized by the past, there is Javairo Dilrosun:” I think the mood is very good since I arrived. Today, we have not given up yet and we came back to the score. I feel that we are progressing and the proof is that we are taking points. “Not a lot but a few and it’s always good for the morale of this rebuilding team.

Something’s going on for Costil and Petkovic

Once again imperial in his goal, Benoit Costil admits to “loving this team”! He who has especially experienced many setbacks with the Girondins since his arrival. He “appreciates seeing his team progress as we go along with people at the stadium who find themselves through the minds of the players. I believe that today, even if there is a lot to complain about [sur la qualité du match des Bordelais], there is a team which fights and which wets the jersey. So, this is already something interesting. “

Vladimir Petkovic also sees “players who are ready to suffer with a dynamic that is created every day in training in front of his eyes”. The series of three games without defeat is there to confirm it even if counting it remains very insufficient with only seven points after eight days. But the Swiss coach promises it, his team “is moving forward and the atmosphere is changing”. With heads right side up, it’s always better.


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