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Reynoso on Sonne’s call: “It is an option.  She already fulfilled the paper issue” |  VIDEO

Reynoso on Sonne’s call: “It is an option. She already fulfilled the paper issue” | VIDEO

Reynoso on Sonne’s call: “It is an option.  She already fulfilled the paper issue” |  VIDEO

The coach of the Peruvian National Team, Juan Reynosopointed out that the Danish-Peruvian soccer player Oliver Sonne It is an “option” to integrate the list of those called up for the matches against Chile and Argentina for the Qualifiers 2026.

In a press conference, the strategist confirmed that the right-back’s procedures have been completed and everything would be ready for his name to appear on the list of foreigners that will be released in the coming days.

“Oliver’s thing is an option. Let’s see how this weekend goes and God willing he can be there next weekend, but he already fulfilled the issue of papers, which was what was complicating us and today he has a good present in his club.”he declared.

“It’s what we always ask for with the players, a good present”he added Juan Reynoso.

The Peruvian National Team will face the matches against Chile (Santiago) and Argentina (Lima) on date 3 and 4, respectively, of the Qualifiers 2026.

Source: Elcomercio

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