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“Zanelatto, Quispe or Grimaldo are ready to play against Chile”: the analysis of the young people of the national team, 5 days before the Pacific Classic

“Zanelatto, Quispe or Grimaldo are ready to play against Chile”: the analysis of the young people of the national team, 5 days before the Pacific Classic

“Zanelatto, Quispe or Grimaldo are ready to play against Chile”: the analysis of the young people of the national team, 5 days before the Pacific Classic

How to prepare for the match? Take risks or avoid them? Does eleven come from memory? We asked different journalists about what’s coming for the Bicolor next Thursday, October 12.

1. What eleven would you use to face Chile?

2. What is your opinion on Oliver Sonne’s call?

3. Would you field young people like Zanelatto, Grimaldo or Quispe against Chile?

Fernando Llanos – Canal N

1. Gallese, Corzo, Tapia, Abram, Trauco; Aquino, Yotún, Advíncula, López, Carrillo; Warrior. Play with what has worked.

2. We do not have abundance. Whatever it adds up, welcome.

3. They can function as alternatives depending on the conditions of the parties. You must score no less than 4 points

Daniel Kanashiro – Direct TV

1. My eleven would be: Gallese; Advincula, Tapia, Abram, Trauco; Cartagena, Aquino, Yotun, Christofer Gonzáles; Paolo Guerrero and Franco Zanelatto.

2. His call seems positive to me because it adds to the universe of players with a good base of preparation that in the short term will be a positive trend, taking advantage of better base conditions, which does not exist in our country, for the benefit of the national teams, not only the oldest.

3. One gains the possibility not by being young or old. You earn it if you have the technical, tactical, physical and even understanding requirements of what the coach wants. I believe that both Grimaldo, Quispe and Zanelatto have shown that they possess these qualities that they can easily offer on the court in a tournament like the Qualifiers.

Miguel Villegas – Journalist El Comercio

1. With the return of Advíncula there is no doubt: Gallese, Advíncula, Zambrano, Callens (if he returns), Trauco, Tapia, Cartagena, Yotún, Polo, Carrillo, Paolo.

2. Due to his athletic status (1.84m), his youth (22) and his presence (he is always a starter for his club in Denmark), Sonne is a bet. Not blindly, because Reynoso is ultra-obsessive with details and measurements. But it is also the confirmation of a state of emergency: Peru produces 0.5 stars per year and, in that sense, searching the world map for better-trained soccer players is an urgent task. Mind you, it’s Oliver Sonne. It’s not Oliver Atom.

3. Without a doubt. I think someone should have more minutes. I understand that in the priority ladder, Grimaldo even has a chance to start against Chile. Next week will be key.

Giancarlo Fiestas – Journalist

1. In the absence of confirmation of the foreign squads and without knowing whether Carrillo arrives or not against Chile, this could be a formation: Pedro Gallese, Aldo Corzo, Zambrano, Callens, Trauco, Tapia, Aquino, Yotún, Advincula, Reyna, Paolo

2. Sonne is a player who can contribute a lot on the wing and who has the ability to play on the right and left, from that premise he will be a player who can contribute for the national team. He is young, has European training and physically appears to be in optimal condition. He is a player who adds so welcome.

3. From the start I would not make them play but I would give them minutes on this double date. If I have to bet on one of the starters, I’ll bet on Grimaldo.

Diego Rebagliati – Movistar Sports

1. My eleven would be: Pedro Gallese; Aldo Corzo, Renato Tapia, Alexander Callens, Miguel Trauco; Pedro Aquino, Yoshimar Yotun, Marcos López, Luis Advincula, Christofer Gonzáles and Paolo Guerrero.

2. It seems good to me that we expand the search margin and I think that players like Sone can end up being important, I don’t know if so much in the short term, but certainly in the medium term. We have to see how it adapts, I think it is a good initiative, I don’t see it as a solution for these two games, however, it is good that it can be added.

3. I think that if the game asks for the option that Grimaldo can play, as it was given, I think that both Zanelatto, Quispe and Grimaldo are ready to play, and if the coach requires it, it seems perfect to me.

Eduardo Castañeda – Diario Correo

1. My eleven would be: Pedro Gallese; Luis Advíncula, Miguel Araujo, Alexander Callens, Miguel Trauco; Renato Tapia, Yoshimar Yotún, Marcos López, Joao Grimaldo, Christofer Gonzáles and Paolo Guerrero.

2. Regarding Sonne, beyond the desire to play for Peru, even without being born in the country, I think he is notable. But the most important thing will be how he integrates into the group and, from there, how he performs on the field. Be careful that it is not decisive that you have European training. We saw what happened with Percy Prado when he arrived at Sporting Cristal and went unnoticed. I take his possible call with a grain of salt. I don’t get so excited so as not to be disappointed later.

3. Yes, I would field young people like Zanelatto, Grimaldo or Quispe. They are players with different characteristics and, at some point in the game, they can be useful to the national team. They have already had international contact in international cups with their teams and they know how hard the Qualifiers can be. It depends on the trust that Reynoso can give them.

Source: Elcomercio

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