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Reynoso responds to Gareca: “I send you an affectionate greeting. I appreciate it very much” | VIDEO

A few weeks ago, Ricardo Gareca came out in defense of the Peruvian player, after the statements given by Juan Reynoso about the performance of Franco Zanelatto, Bryan Reyna and Piero Quispe, in addition, he also referred to a low level in League 1.

After this, the ‘Tiger’, in a conference, said the following: “The most important things we heard were ‘Peruvians don’t run’, ‘Peruvians are undisciplined’, ‘Peruvians drink, they are not professionals’. So the first thing we did was install cameras in each stadium to evaluate. With what support can one say something about someone if they do not have evidence, if they do not test, if they do not go beyond an opinion? It is necessary to load yourself with planning, load yourself with data, because if you don’t load yourself with data you never know anything.”

“We started putting cameras in the stadiums and started to see what was really happening, and we discovered that everything that has to do with ‘Peruvians don’t run’ was a fallacy. It was something that was constantly being spread and was becoming more and more deeply felt by players and people. There is something that we cannot avoid: that they talk about us. The important thing is what we think of ourselves. Because if not, they start to govern us”he added.

“Don’t Peruvians run? Lie. We had checked the Argentine and Brazilian leagues. We had data on what the other leagues were like, which are very competitive, among the best in the world. We encounter this fallacy. Peruvians are at the level of the best leagues,” he concluded.

Today, the technical director of the Peruvian team responded to Ricardo Gareca at a press conference. “I listen and read little. I don’t know in what context or what words he said, but I send my affectionate greetings to Ricardo Gareca. I appreciate it”.

Source: Elcomercio

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