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Paris attack: Pechenard calls for ‘Plan B’ for 2024 Olympics opening ceremony

Paris attack: Pechenard calls for ‘Plan B’ for 2024 Olympics opening ceremony

Paris attack: Pechenard calls for ‘Plan B’ for 2024 Olympics opening ceremony

Not far from the Eiffel Tower, one of the highlights of the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games due to take place on July 26, an assailant attacked several passers-by on the bridge from Bir Hakeim on Saturday evening. The victim, of German and Filipino nationality, died from stab wounds to the back and shoulder, and two other passers-by were injured.

Following the attack, which took place in what will be one of the Olympic security perimeters, Ile-de-France regional vice-president Frédéric Péchenard said he was “much more restrained and much more concerned” about security issues. Olympic Games. Franceinfo’s guest this Sunday morning, a member of the Republican Party, estimated that there are “a certain number of risks” that affect the safety of the Olympic Games. Risks that he said have increased since the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7.

“I think it would not be completely absurd, and I believe it needs to be done to think about a possible plan B if terrorist attacks continue in our country,” he continued, referring to the opening ceremony.

More like a “downgrade” than a plan B

“Without a doubt, very important measures will be taken. Will these resources be enough to monitor tens of thousands of people and hundreds of apartments? The decisions must be taken by the interior minister and the government,” said Frédéric Péchenard, former director general of the National Police, in an interview with franceinfo.

At the end of October, Olympic participants were instead counting on “lowering the sail” of the Games’ opening ceremony in case of security concerns and denying the existence of a Plan B.

Source: Le Parisien

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