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PSG will make a new move to prevent the departure of Kylian Mbappé to Real Madrid in 2022

PSG responds to Real Madrid and its president Florentino Pérez in the case of Kylian Mbappé. The position of the French club has been clear for a long time: they want the forward to remain one of the stars of the institution. In this sense, the entity led by Nasser Al-Khelaïfi is preparing a new offensive.

According to information from the Marca newspaper, the Paris Saint Germain board is preparing an offer for two seasons (the current agreement expires on June 30, 2022). At the moment, details of the proposal that the high command of the capital’s cadre will put on the table are unknown.

The cited source pointed out that some members of the Mbappé environment would be willing to study what ‘Les Bleus’ will propose. In fact, the high command, in addition to the well-known desire to retain Kylian, ended with good feelings after the two interviews given by the footballer to the newspaper L’Equipe and the radio RMC Sport.

Senior managers interpret ‘Kiki’s’ message as having a conciliatory tone. That is to say, if the world champion wanted to leave and communicated it last July; Now, the situation may have changed because the Bondy-born one left open the possibility of thinking much better about what he wants for his career.

“You never know what can happen in football. Six months ago I didn’t know I wanted to leave. I learned something. The truth of yesterday is not that of today, nor that of tomorrow “, said Mbappé, who has not closed the door and at all times expressed gratitude for PSG, an institution that gave him a new opportunity to make the leap throughout Europe.

Madrid-PSG War

The crossfire between Real Madrid and PSG began last Tuesday after the statements of Florentino Pérez in the newspaper El Debate and then on the radio station RMC Sport. In turn, Leonardo, the sports director of the Gauls, also expressed the position of ‘Les Parisiens’ in a dialogue with L’Equipe.

“In January we will have news from Mbappé. We hope that on January 1 everything can be solved “announced the head of the ‘White House’. Although, Pérez recoiled and clarified: My words were misinterpreted. What I said is that we have to wait until next year to find out, always with respect to PSG with whom we have good relations “.

Later, an outraged Leonardo assured: “This new exit is situated in the lack of respect towards PSG and towards Mbappé. In fact, in the same week a Real Madrid player (Karim Benzema), then the Madrid coach and now the president speak of Kylian as if he were already one of their own. Florentino had already spoken to his Mbappé fans this week. I repeat: it is a lack of respect that we cannot tolerate”.


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