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Roberto Mosquera after the conflict with Gerardo Ameli: “I will only say that time puts things in their place”

Confidence remains intact heading into the final of the national title. Roberto Mosquera made statements to the press highlighting the importance of staying at the best level, the competition that Sporting Cristal will have against Alianza Lima and what happened with Cienciano’s coach Gerardo Ameli.

The celestial coach decided to close the issue related to the meeting with Cienciano and subsequent judge’s report: “I have read -the resolution of the referee- and I will only say that time puts things in their place; We understand the concerns of the press, but we know what we have to do ”.

Regarding the status of its staff, Mosquera stated that “Confidence has not been lost, the issue is that we had to change many lineups in a short time due to injuries or suspensions, that may have taken us a bit away. Here what there is is trust and morals. We see things differently from what can be seen from the other side ”.

The Sporting Cristal coach indicated that “It is a merit that with four games to go we are in the final, some give value to what we have done, others do not. We had wear and tear that no team had, you can see the wear that is normal, but we have a month to recover the team, which is too much. We see things from a positive point of view, which is to be in the final “added DT rimense.

“We were 26 games without losing, there was not as much talk about lost games as now, it is normal that there may be imbalances. We comply with the bag by having five players who at the time have been starters, they are things that do good to Peruvian football, there are important players who have been consolidated. We should talk about that and not about the lost games, we know what we can do in a month to be able to return to the idea of ​​how to play ”, Mosquera said at a press conference.

Olivares has been recovering little by little and the coach was happy about it: “” It is pleasant news to see him run, it fills our souls with enthusiasm and joy for him, he is a great boy, he will be a great player who will serve Peruvian football “.

Roberto Mosquera on the final with Alianza Lima

“I am not here to qualify a team of the importance of Alianza Lima, I have to study it to know how to play them in the final to be able to win; We are not going to throw in the towel until the last game, we are here to fight everything ”, declared the Sporting Cristal coach.

“To be champions, in 2020, we were one of the three teams that scored the fewest goals. In the first part of the year, we were among the first two who received the least goals, at this point in the year, the defense is changing and losing strength, but we have a month to recover “, he sentenced.


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