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“There is no one to whom Mark Zuckerberg is accountable”: the key points of the Facebook whistleblower

The complainant of Facebook Frances Haugen offered information on Tuesday about how the social media giant works. From a culture of isolation to the damage to the image of adolescents, Haugen recounted to US senators what he saw inside the company.

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Here are some highlights from her testimony:

“Si separas a Facebook and Instagram, most of the ad money is likely to go to Instagram and Facebook will continue to be this Frankenstein (…) endangering lives around the world (…) these systems will continue to exist and exist, and they will be dangerous even if They are damaged”.

“I believe that it is vitally important that we establish mechanisms so that internal investigations of Facebook are disclosed to the public on a regular basis ”.

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“Facebook has a culture that emphasizes that the way forward is to isolate yourself, because if the information is shared with the public, it will simply be misinterpreted.”

“A lot of the changes I’m talking about won’t make Facebook stop being a profitable company, ”he said. “It just won’t be a ridiculously profitable company like it is today.”

“I highly recommend raising the age limits to 16 or 18, based on looking at data on problem use or addiction on the platform and children’s self-regulation issues,” he said. Currently, the official limit to join Facebook is 13 years. ”You can file for moral bankruptcy, you can admit that you did something wrong. And we can flee forward ”.

“I also want to emphasize that eating disorders are serious, there are going to be women walking this planet in 60 years with brittle bones due to the decisions that Facebook made today to prioritize profits.”

“Facebook knows that today’s parents, who (…) have never had this addictive experience with a piece of technology, give their children bad advice. They say things like ‘Why don’t you just stop using it?’ “

Facebook created an organization in which the part responsible for the growth and expansion of the firm is separate and does not mix regularly with the part that focuses on the damages that the company has caused.

“In the end, the ball stops with Mark (Zuckerberg). There is currently no one to whom Mark is accountable except himself. ” “Facebook knows that there is content that causes an extreme reaction from users and is more likely to get a click, a comment or be shared”, which “are not necessarily” benefits the user but is “prioritized so that you give small doses of dopamine to your friends so that they in turn produce more content ”.

Several Facebook executives came out on Tuesday in a whirlwind to try to discredit the former worker Frances Haugen after her testimony before a US Senate subcommittee, and they denied that things at the company happen the way she described them.

Haugen, who previously leaked internal company documents to the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, told the senators that Facebook puts its benefits before the safety of users and hides that its platforms are harmful to minors, promote social division and weaken democracy.

In a statement, one of the directors of Political Communication of Facebook, Lena Pietsch, said that since the signing they do not agree with the description that Haugen made before the Senate and tried to discredit his version by pointing out that the informant only worked on Facebook for two years.

“He only worked at Facebook for two years; he did not have any employee under his charge; she never attended a meeting with senior managers in which decisions were made and she herself testified more than six times that she had not worked on the issues she was talking about, “said Pietsch.

In a similar vein, another of the company’s Political Communication directors, Andy Stone, expressed on Twitter, pointing out that Haugen “did not work on child safety issues or on Instagram or on research on these issues” and therefore “did not has direct knowledge ”of the matter.

Facebook spokesperson Joe Osborne also insisted that the informer “does not know” what she is talking about, in this case referring to the accusation that the social network deactivated all the prevention measures that it had applied before the elections just after the elections. the presidential election in the US last year.

“That is incorrect. We maintained several measures until January 6, and added new ones after the violence that took place in the Capitol ”, said Osborne in reference to the assault on the headquarters of the US Congress by thousands of supporters of the then president. Donald Trump.

In his testimony before the Senate, Haugen made a ruthless portrait of the company, because during the time he was working on it he realized a “devastating truth”: Facebook hides information from the public and governments.

“The documents that I have provided to Congress prove that Facebook it has repeatedly misled the public about what its own research reveals about the safety of children, the efficacy of their artificial intelligence and their role in spreading divisive and extremist messages, “said the insider.

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