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“From now on, I am thinking about bringing in players of the caliber of Paolo Guerrero. Peruvian football deserves it” | INTERVIEW

-With the hiring of Paolo Guerrero, how could you define this new César Vallejo?

I am happy, yes, we are definitely happy, for what Paolo Guerrero means to the club, the city of Trujillo, the country and especially Peruvian football.

-What was the most difficult thing to convince Paolo Guerrero to sign a contract with César Vallejo?

No, all of this has occurred in a regular process of any negotiation, all negotiations normally occur that way and I think it happened that way. It hasn’t been irregular at all. Paolo is very happy.

-But what did César Vallejo offer for Paolo Guerrero to say yes?

When we decided to go in search of Paolo, the first thing I mentioned to Paolo was to explain to him what we are about as an institution. We are an institution founded 28 years ago, with important and responsible work at the minor division level, since we were the only Peruvian team that sold two players from the last Sub 20 to Mexico (one of them Diether Vásquez); In addition, some were called up to the Under 23 team and the only goal that the Peruvian team scored was from Francesco (Flores), from César Vallejo. We are a team that fights international tournaments in the best way and that has sports infrastructure and knows very well that having a professional team is not only competing but also having fields, minor divisions and everything that a sports project implies. That’s something that encouraged him a lot. Furthermore, we all know, being housed in a city as pleasant as Trujillo.

-How did you come into contact with Paolo Guerrero?

I called him, we have friends in common and that’s where the negotiations began.

-Why at this moment Paolo Guerrero and maybe it wasn’t before?

We know very well that this year as an institution we had strengthened the squad in the best way for the year 2024. We have achieved something that no Peruvian soccer team had ever done before and I am not referring to Paolo Guerrero: we have hired both captains of the U and Alianza Lima from the previous year, Carvallo from Universitario and Ballón from Alianza Lima. Both came to contribute their experience to César Vallejo, in addition to that, we signed players with national and international experience and we knew very well that we were missing a striker ‘9’ scorer, even though we have another scorer like Mena, but we know very well that Paolo’s arrival was going to mean the growth necessary to think that the team not only dreams of a title, but also works week after week for it. I know that football is a team sport, but an individuality like Paolo within the squad and everything it means will help achieve the objective. Paolo makes a difference anywhere. He demonstrated it last year in Ecuador and I have full confidence that he will do it here in César Vallejo.

-Will Paolo Guerrero be the image of the César Vallejo University?

We have 25 players who can be the image of the club. Paolo is a fairly important player, but the 25 footballers, like the technical team, will be the image of this great project that we are strengthening for 2024.

-Is there any option for Paolo Guerrero to occupy a position within César Vallejo after his retirement?

It is very premature to think about it, but we can never rule out something that would be an honor for us as an institution.

-How are you going to handle Paolo Guerrero’s presence in Trujillo? The airport, training sessions and even before the games at the Mansiche will be full of expectations.

Last year, César Vallejo, according to statistics, was the northern provincial team that brought the largest number of spectators to the stadium. Regarding Mannucci, Grau, UTC, Sullana, Vallejo was the team that brought the most attendees to the stadium. But we know very well what the arrival of Paolo will mean, not only a new mass of fans for César Vallejo, but also having the captain of the Peruvian team here. For this reason, we take it very seriously, with responsibility and with an opportunity for children and young people who aspire to a professional career in football to have a great example in Paolo Guerrero.

-Have you evaluated the number of César Vallejo shirts that you can sell with the arrival of Paolo Guerrero?

Yesterday we closed in parallel with a marketing campaign for this issue, I am completely sure that having Paolo will add to the growth not only institutionally but also of the city and of Peruvian football in general.

-The Mansiche field is not in good condition, will they make any improvements to the grass?

We have assumed a shared responsibility with Carlos A. Mannucci to fix the field. We have been doing it since December 20 and we are fully confident that at the end of February the stadium will be in optimal conditions for the competition, whether for the benefit of Vallejo and Mannucci.

-When does Paolo Guerrero arrive in Trujillo? When do they present it?

We are in the whole logistical issue, we want it to come as soon as possible and when we have the date we will publish it on our networks so that people can also be there.

-Are you introduced to Paolo Guerrero at the Mansiche?

This Saturday I will meet with my strategic team to analyze which is the best option. We don’t want to deprive anyone of the chance to see Paolo. because Guerrero is the captain of Peru, and very important for the citizens and above all that institutional joy has to be shared with the fans.

-The arrival of Paolo Guerrero will set a precedent. Let’s look at the example of Messi’s arrival to the MLS….

This is an opportunity to show that when sports management is done thinking only about football it can be done. We as an institution, first of all, have not done it alone, everything we have achieved starting Paolo Guerrero’s contract we have done with each of the sponsors. What we have achieved is not crazy, we have done everything with the sponsors and I want to take advantage of this space to publicly thank them for getting involved in this project, trusting and bringing Paolo Guerrero. While it is true, the university supported in part, but we would not have done anything without the support of each of the club’s sponsors.

Paolo Guerrero had his greatest achievement as a footballer in the 2012 Club World Cup. Corinthians became champion with his goal.  (Photo: Getty Images)

-Do you consider that the signing of Paolo Guerrero is the most important signing in the history of Peruvian football?

There is no precedent, I believe. And as president of the club I feel happy, because this precedent can mean a before and after of Peruvian football, thinking about having a Paolo Guerrero here, I am thinking that we should build our own stadium and have players from here onwards of the caliber of Paolo Guerrero, because Peruvian football deserves it and in this way we are going to change society and make football an important option to change the country and bring joy to all citizens who love football.

-Now Trujillo will revolutionize its tourism due to the arrival of Paolo Guerrero in César Vallejo. Is that so?

It is the first time that he plays in Peruvian soccer, we are proud that he is with us and we hope that going forward, it will not only be an opportunity for him to stay for a year, but that we will have Paolo Guerrero for a while.

-Is that the idea of ​​expanding the link throughout 2025?

We would be the happiest and proudest, but let time tell.

With the arrival of Paolo Guerrero, are you going for the title and to aspire to compete in the Copa Sudamericana?

We have set that goal with Paolo and with all the boys, we made a nice tour in Uruguay and we started the tournament with Alianza Lima, however, do not forget that the war is won based on the sum of victories in the battles. We have battles every week, now we face Melgar later and what we are interested in winning at the end of the year is the championship.

Source: Elcomercio

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