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Sports University announced the first ‘Women’s Cream Night’ at the Monumental Stadium

Sports University announced the first ‘Women’s Cream Night’ at the Monumental Stadium

Sports University announced the first ‘Women’s Cream Night’ at the Monumental Stadium

The women’s team University of Sportscurrent champion of their league, will have their great presentation before the merengue fans in the first ‘Feminine Night Cream‘.

The event will be this Saturday, March 9, at 8:30 pm, at the Monumental Stadium. The rival will be the National Women’s Club of Uruguay.

It should be noted that ‘Las Leonas’ obtained the tenth star for the club in 2023, and a large audience is expected in the stands.

The cream institution highlighted that a show will be offered with guest artists, light shows, lighting and various surprises for our passionate fans.

– North and South: S/10.00

– East: S/15.00

– West: S/20.00

– Black Seat Total Bet: S/70.00

– Cream Experience: S/150.00

– 2X1 for adherent partners in the East

– 2X1 for cream members in any tribune

– 2X1 in South Family Grandstand


EC Editorial

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Source: Elcomercio

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