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Peru vs Bolivia: the tremendous pain for not having been up to the task |  CHRONICLE

Peru vs Bolivia: the tremendous pain for not having been up to the task | CHRONICLE

Peru vs Bolivia: the tremendous pain for not having been up to the task |  CHRONICLE

In the 3600 meters of the Bolivian capital, Peru has begun to lack oxygen. Couldn’t even score the respite point. In La Paz all that remained of calm was lost with that 1-0 against Bolivia. The National selection has returned to the shock of calculations and the inevitable need for some feat before the end of 2022. To go to the World Cup you have to be up to the task. And Gareca’s team was very far from that.

Just as it is important to win at home to get excited about a World Cup, It is also unavoidable to surprise with some visiting points. And in that count of units away from home, there is always Bolivia in La Paz. What we have to recognize is that at that breaking point we almost always go wrong.

It was going to be difficult and the start of the match was confirming it minute by minute. Physically, it was difficult for most of them to catch the rhythm, the bicolor began to lose the ball very quickly and they quickly became figures Christian Ramos and Alexander Callens.

Unlike the sovereign match he played against Chile, this time Pedro Aquino He wore something lonely on the brand. Neither for recovery, nor to generate play. His most specific appearance was a weak shot in front of Carlos Lampe’s goal.

-Changes didn’t work-

In this painful defeat against Bolivia, he does not escape criticism either Ricardo Gareca. The green box bet was repeated in both halves: recovering the ball quickly, attacking from the sides and kicking Gallese’s goal as soon as a space was generated. It was necessary to execute a plan B with faster. And of the three changes he made, it was necessary for him to throw the life preserver at the exhausted and bewildered Yotún.

A lost ball in an absurd way by Christian Cueva (he wanted to make a huacha that obfuscated Ricardo Gareca a lot), left the defense very badly off and thus, in the middle of two rebounds, Ramiro Vaca found the ball to define the final result to the 82 ′.

Henry Vaca was sent off for kicking Callens.  (Agencies)

Not enough even with 30 players

To complete the disappointment, Peru could not prevail at the Hernando Siles stadium despite being with one more player. Former University, Henry Vacas, lost control in a sweep of Alexander Callens (72 ′) and went quickly to the showers. The only thing that varied in the red and white plan is the search for the pivot with the entry of Santiago Ormeño, who fulfilled the task although he was very badly accompanied by a tired Cave.

Jefferson Farfan entered too late. Impossible to analyze your income. The fight will accompany us until Thursday (match with Argentina with the obligation to win) not only because Bolivia was with 10, but because even the other results of the qualifying date gave it relevance to rescue, even if it was, a tie.

“We want to have everyone”, Ricardo Gareca said at the beginning of this triple date. The fall in Bolivia has an impact because even with a call of more than 30 players it seems that it is enough. Neither with the beloved Lapadula from the start nor with players requested by the fans, such as Mora. Not even so could we collapse that adverse record in La Paz.

Qualifying for a World Cup in South America goes hand in hand with adding a visit to the virtual eliminated. To reach Russia 2018, Peru was added three points for the poor registration of Bolivian-Paraguayan Nelson Cabrera. But let’s remember that we lost that game 2-0. SAT no longer exists as an artificial respirator. There are no claims in sight. We had to beat Bolivia on the field. Doing calculations today creates a collective headache. As painful and uncomfortable as that altitude sickness from which we could not heal today.


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