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The moving farewell of Lapadula and Ranieri after saving the category: “An honor to have fought alongside you”

Claudio Ranieri said goodbye to Cagliari and put an end to a four-decade coaching career with a 3-2 defeat at home against Fiorentina, this Thursday in the first match of the 38th and final round of Serie A.

The historic coach managed to save Cagliari from relegation and had an emotional tribute. Gianluca Lapadula did not miss the opportunity to hug Ranieri tightly and be moved to tears.

In addition, the ‘Bambino’ dedicated a few words to him through his social networks: “An honor to have fought alongside you. Thank you, Sir Claudio,” he wrote.

“What we have managed to do, we have done together,” Ranieri declared at the end of this Thursday’s clash, in a message to the fans from the pitch.

Before the game, the ‘tifosi’ honored him by displaying a huge banner that read: “Eternal gratitude to a great man.”

Source: Elcomercio

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