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Paris 2024 Olympics: “At a political level we have become something of a reality show,” laments Florent Manaudou

Florent Manodou is a swimmer. The Olympic 50m NL champion is in Chartres this week to try to qualify for his 4th Olympic Games before leaving. But 33-year-old Florent Manaudou is also a citizen who cares about the political situation in France.

“I’m sorry, I generally got the impression that we have turned into a kind of reality show on a political level. After all these years, it was already a little difficult to trust politicians… Whether on the right or the left, everyone goes their own way and wants to have their own position, explains sprinter CN Marseille, who took part in the pre-race press conference. French Championship. I am a little ashamed not to fight for my ideas, but to fight for a place in the Assembly. »

The four-time Olympic medalist feels all the more concerned because he is a candidate for the role of flag bearer, whose election by his peers will begin on July 9, two days after the second round of legislative elections, where the RN will be able to gain access to power.

“It would be an honor for me to be the flag bearer, but also a responsibility because we are in France,” he continues. When you’re a flag bearer, it doesn’t just last an hour or two on the Seine, it happens throughout the entire Olympics and even before. I think precisely in those moments when in the world we are going through difficult things between Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, what is happening in France, and many others, we need to unite everyone around sport, because sport has always managed to unite people.. Even if there were several Olympic Games where there were boycotts, I think that sport allows us to unite, and at a time when we are tearing each other apart, I hope that I can unite everyone. »

Source: Le Parisien

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