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French Swimming Championships: He dislocated his shoulder while celebrating his qualification for the Paris Olympics

In an evening that was not necessarily rich in emotions, we were looking forward to the men’s 100-meter no-limit race, the final race of the third day of the French Championships, the qualifying tournament for the Paris Olympics. And we were mostly served. While Maxime Grousset dominated the round-trip pool as expected, securing qualification in 47”33, it was his young runner-up Rafael Fente Damers who took the win.

Too happy to be invited to the Ball of Rings at the end of July, clocking a personal best time of 48 minutes 14 minutes, the Annecy sprinter found nothing better to do… than dislocate his shoulder while tapping his shoulder in joy. water pipes!

The smile of happiness quickly turned into a grimace of pain for the 18-year-old, who was born in the United States to a French mother and a Spanish father. So much so that the young man no longer even knew how to get out of the pool without worsening the pain, although all his opponents had left the pool.

Immediately receiving emergency treatment on the scene, the new FFlose member pushed his shoulder back into place before ascending to the second step of the protocol stand, wrapped in a towel and T-shirt, and then ran to Chartres Hospital. pass exams. Depending on the severity of the injury, he may be forced to withdraw from the Games.

“I don’t know exactly what he did, because I didn’t see it,” notes Maxime Grousset. But he’s a little crazy guy, and that’s what he’s good at. He is not afraid of anything and I think he will progress. “These two Blues are not the only ones who managed to reach the La Défense minimum.

Anastasia Kirpichnikova, who had already qualified for the 400 m distance, distinguished herself at the 1500 m distance (15’59”95). “I’m proud,” sums up Philip Lucas’ protégé. But I thought I’d have a better time. It’s not easy when you’re racing alone…” Marie Wattel also added a string to her bow. After the 100m butterfly, the Marseille swimmer won the 100m in the exact Olympic time of 53 minutes 61 seconds. On a rope. But enough.

“I’m happy because I gave everything, every inch,” she breathes. This is an iconic race, it’s special, it’s a dream for many years… I’m going to run the Games with the best in the world, incredible girls who inspire me. “After three days of competition, ten Tricolors have tickets to Paris in their pockets.

Source: Le Parisien

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