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What was not seen about Peru’s arrival in Kansas: Cueva, the fans’ favorite and the alarm over Advíncula

After just over an hour of flight, the peruvian team He arrived in Kansas City, the city where this Tuesday he will face his second match in Group A of the Copa América, against the Canadian team. In the midst of a good atmosphere, which was joined by a good number of loyal fans, the delegation led by coach Jorge Fossati landed without problems and with a good countenance, although with a concern that could not be alleviated even with the passing of the hours. . Is about Luis Advínculachanged in an emergency against Chile and almost ruled out for the next duel.

It was a Saturday of relaxation and meditation for the Peruvian team. The emotional hangover from what was a tough match against Chile left a relaxed and calm squad. As they expressed it after the duel, in the mixed zone, the team’s performance has left good feelings and internally everyone is excited about how Peru was finding its best game.

The majority agree that they lacked the last stretch towards the goal and that worries them. They were left, however, with the feeling that the tie was fair. One of the selected players told me that there is peace and that they believe that 0-0 was the fairest result. Many agree that the draw was a good start and that not having won does not mean despair.

Advíncula worries

And although the jokes, jokes and laughter emerge at every step, Luis Advíncula’s situation is the coach’s biggest headache. The full-back had to be changed against Chile due to pain in the Achilles heel of his left foot. This Saturday he was examined by the national team’s medical team and, although the exact medical report is not known, it is very likely that the player will be ruled out for the duel against Canada.

Of course, they hope that as the hours go by the pain will reduce and can be treated. However, Advíncula continues to limp and his serious face, somewhat annoyed, is evidence that expectations are not very good, at least for this Tuesday. For now, this Sunday it will be formally defined whether it is expected or whether his recovery is aimed at the next match against Argentina.

The one who is out of danger is Alexander Callens, who beyond a slight pain and obvious wear and tear due to the demanding nature of the match against Chile, is fully fit and fully fit to play the game against Canada.

The most required

Christian Cueva is not going through his best present. Without a team and without playing minutes for eight months, the national team remains one of the players most in demand by the fans. Upon arrival at the hotel in Kansas, a group of 15 to 20 fans were waiting for the national delegation and it was there that Cueva was among the most requested.

The first to get off the bus was coach Jorge Fossati, who kindly approached the fans for the corresponding greeting, even agreeing to take photos. Then the players came down and there the most acclaimed were Gianluca Lapadula, Oliver Sonne, Christian Cueva and Paolo Guerrero.

At more than 33 degrees and a thermal sensation of almost 35, the fans had to wait for almost an hour to see the Peruvian team. André Carrillo, Paolo Guerrero and Christian Cueva were the ones who stopped to sign t-shirts, polo shirts and even banners, in a show of affection and reciprocity for the Peruvian families.

One of the curiosities was Oliver Sonne. He still has a hard time understanding Spanish and it was noticeable when the fans greeted him and asked for greetings. Of course, there was a lot of affection towards him from the fans, a special affection, similar to what Edison Flores received a few years ago.

In Kansas City, although it was hot in the afternoon, in the morning there was a thunderstorm that seemed to announce a storm about 30 minutes before the Peruvian team’s flight landed. This Sunday, the Peruvian delegation will train in the afternoon, waiting to define the situation in Advíncula and work in more detail on the tactical match against Canada.

Source: Elcomercio

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