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Stade Toulousain stumbles at Racing, UBB new leader

Everything had started so well for Stade Toulousain. Ultradominators on the synthetic turf of Racing 92, Ugo Mola’s men led 0-10 after 17 minutes. But they harvested too many chances (5 turn-overs), made too many mistakes (17 penalties conceded) and were finally put down by the Parisians (27-18), led by the amazing scrum half Nolann Le Garrec , who, at barely 19, can already apply for the title of best Breton rugby player of all time.

Deprived of 11 internationals retained at Marcoussis (Fickou was the absent Blue on the Racing side), the champions of France and Europe lowered the flag without even bringing back a defensive bonus point. “The absences change the physiognomy of the team, it is obvious, could not but note Laurent Thuéry, the coach of the stadist defense. But we don’t have to be ashamed. “

UBB, Toulouse and the others

This second defeat of the season is the business of Union Bordeaux-Bègles, victorious the day before with authority (and with bonus) from Clermont (25-9). At the end of this 9th day, UBB takes the reins of the championship with two points ahead of Toulouse. The duo still have a substantial lead over Racing 92, 3rd at seven lengths behind the Rouge et Noir. The Gironde formation will show its status as leader on Friday in La Rochelle, while Stade Toulousain will receive the promoted Perpignan on Saturday, before a 15-day international break.


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