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Punches, sent off and an agonizing goal: this is how Cerro Porteño won against Guaraní | VIDEO

Lima, December 4, 2021Updated 12/04/2021 10:36 pm

An exciting outcome was the Paraguayan Clausura Tournament. At the Rogelio Lorenzo Livieres Stadium, Cerro Porteño and Guaraní, the first and second in the table, respectively, were measured to define the title. In the end, the ‘Cyclone’ managed to proclaim itself champion, in a match in which there were attacks and expulsions.

It was the last day of the event and the team led by Francisco Arce, being the leader with 37 points, was tied to add another star in its history. On the other hand, the ‘Aboriginal’, waiting with 35 units, had to win yes or yes to climb to the top.

With the support of his people, Guaraní took the initiative and gave Cerro to Porteño a hard time, who was left with one less man 15 minutes into the first half due to the expulsion of Alan Benítez, who arrived late and ironed Marcos Cáceres with a lot of force in one play.

The ‘Cacique’ took advantage of the numerical superiority on the court and took the lead at 36, through Alfio Patiño. Then, at 51, Marcelo González appeared and made the fans explode with emotion by placing the 2-0 partial that gave Guaraní the title.

The hottest moment was lived after 90 minutes. There was an outbreak of anger, with attacks from both sides, and goalkeeper Gaspar Servio and Roberto Fernández saw the second yellow and, therefore, also received the red, leaving the ‘Aborigine’ with nine members.

When the 9th minute discount was played, Alberto Espínola was in charge of discounting for Cerro Porteño. And two minutes later, Juan Gabriel Patiño declared the final 2-2 to consummate the ‘Cyclone’ title. Of course, Patiño was also twice reprimanded and also left early.


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