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Juan Pablo Durand, former coach of the University women’s team, responds to complaints

Juan Pablo Durand, former coach of the University women’s team, responds to complaints

Juan Pablo Durand, former coach of the University women’s team, responds to complaints

A few hours after receiving 2022, the soccer player Cindy Novoa published on his Twitter account the reason why he left academic. The footballer claimed that there was a “perverted” coach in the team. Some journalists agreed on the name of the coach involved, which was later confirmed by the former manager of the U sports complex, Orlando Obando. It was the former coach of the women’s squad, Juan Pablo Durand.

Durand is being accused of having had conversations with a player of the team in 2019. That year the footballer was a minor. Juan Pablo Durand decided, for the first time, to tell everything that happened.

What he wanted the least, according to what he said Durand, was to revive an issue that was already filed, taking refuge in a letter signed with the footprint of the father of the player involved. In addition, he tried to support each of his answers in this interview with evidence. According Orlando obando, Everything Durand comments will not erase the conversations he had with a soccer player.

  • Complaint of Cindy Novoa: the steps that can be followed in the Peruvian justice
  • University supports Cindy Novoa: “We took out that coach a long time ago, she is a crack”

-Are you the person Cindy Novoa refers to in her post on Twitter?

One has to be very careful about managing their social networks. Especially if you are a public person. Because you can’t just grab your cell phone and start writing whatever you want. One has to measure the consequences of his words. Definitely the way Cindy Novoa He catalogs me and the adjective he uses is really disgusting.

-Why do you think Cindy made that complaint?

They have not been easy days. When they passed me the post he caught me completely cold. I already knew what was coming. But I always felt and I feel calm. She is looking to use me as a springboard to clean up her image of leaving U. I think she is very wrong. No person has the right to employ a third party for their personal benefit.

-Cindy Novoa never mentioned it. It was other people who pointed it out …

To begin with, a person who goes out to write something like that has to be brave. Because saying things by halves, I consider that it is not brave. In Cindy’s case, If I wanted to report: you go and say it up front. My lawyers know about it.

“Why are you sure he’s talking about you?”

I would tell him that he would have been braver. Anyway, that does not mean that, from the legal aspect, seeing the crossings of the deadlines that she mentions, the sports season where she was and with the coach she was meeting, she was referring to me. That is taken for granted.

-One of those who confirmed that it was you was Orlando Obando. He told us that you know what he did. What did Juan Pablo Durand do?

De Obando does not surprise me. I believe that as a former employee of academic should have told things as they have been. When you want to say something you say it all. To begin with, this topic came out in 2019 because a former collaborator of women’s soccer leaves the institution due to complaints from parents about an “X” topic of that person. He stubbornly looks at me badly.

-What kind of conversations did you have with your players?

I mean, if you read the conversations, I’m honest, what’s in those conversations! I never disrespected him. I have never disrespected a single person I have worked with. Of any kind. One person can take absolutely everything out of context. People who want to see me badly are going to give it the shape that suits them.

-So why does Orlando Obando say that you recognized your mistake? What mistake is he talking about?

In this case, Mr. Obando ignored various parts of these conversations. There was never any complaint at the club. An internal investigation was done, I have these documents signed by them and they knew that those conversations had been stolen and were being used to harm me. After that, Mr. Ferrari meets with the parents together with Mr. Obando at the Lolo Fernández. I was standing all afternoon waiting for them to bring me in to face the parents. They never let me in. The dads came out, talked to me and told me “Professor they have told us that we make the decision if you continue or not”. How is that possible.

-Can you affirm that you did not commit any crime?

They signed a document, all the parents to support me. Asking Jean Ferrari to take into account the documents that the player’s parents sent and they wanted me to continue as coach.

-What did you recognize or say in that conversation you had with Jean Ferrari and Orlando Obando?

When I meet with Ferrari and Obando to see the topic of the talks.

Juan Pablo Durand showing the signatures of the parents who supported him.  (Photo: GEC | JUAN PONCE).
Letter with the signature of both parents of the player with whom Juan Pablo Durand had conversations on social networks.  The identity of everyone involved was covered up.

-Don’t you think it’s unethical for a coach to talk to his players through networks?

For me, . How are they, how do they feel, how are they doing in their studies, different things. It is very different to say that I was flirting than to say that my personality is to be flirtatious. Being flirtatious is not a crime. Mr. Obando is missing important points. Does not mention that

-On the Crema TV page and other portals, they brought to light the conversations he had with a player when she was a minor

The former person who supported women’s soccer, who was accused by the parents, for an issue of false uniforms and who kept the parents’ money, is the one who manages that page. You consider that I am going to force several parents to sign a document. It is not only a lack of respect, to me, also to the parents. Because you are belittling him. You think the parents are going to support me knowing what has happened. The lord is completely out of place.

-Then why did they take him out of University twice, as they say in networks?

Mr. Ferrari says he pulled me out twice. That’s a lie. If they accuse you of something, first, as I said, I was never accused. Because there was never anything. And when they say that they separate me with something as serious as that, what does the institution do: it cuts their contract immediately. And the person involved is notified that they are being separated due to an investigation. They paid me for all my months of contract and they never took me out of university. The head of human resources at the time told me “Juan Pablo I have no reason to get you out. With you it is a personal matter ”.

-So, what was the reason for your dismissal?

I do not understand, a person who is accused of a crime, a person who is told that he has committed a crime with a minor, are they going to leave him and they are going to be paying him every month? It is impossible. The second time they have returned to administer to University, they did not remove me for that either. I have here the dismissal letter that says “By withdrawal of trust”. Does that mean the complaint that Miss Novoa is making to me? The words that he used Cindy Novoa Are disgusting. The way you refer to me is really degrading. She may come out and say that she disagrees with the conversations she had. But from there to classify me as “pervert”, what is happening?

-How did the investigation that led to your departure end?

The investigation turned out in my favor. In neither of the two times was I removed. In none because there was no way. You’ve already seen the parents’ documents, you’ve seen the contract termination letter that has nothing to do with that issue. I am surprised. Miss Novoa who says she is outraged and leaves University.

-Why would Cindy Novoa have to call him after all this trouble?

(He shows us the screenshot) I’m going to go one by one. I am going to defend myself because it is my effort, it is my name, my honor. I tried very hard to get to where I am in my profession. If Miss Novoa did not agree with what had happened, she should have left the club. He must have stopped introducing himself. She must have said “He did not introduce me to play any more at the U because this happened”.

-What is the mistake that Juan Pablo Durand made?

One matures. One does not finish learning. It helped me with the blow. It shouldn’t be bad. Maybe see it in another tone, be cooler. I don’t have to stop asking how you are. It did help me understand that there are malicious people and better manage my relationships with my athletes.

-Why did you wait so long to defend yourself?

Because it was closed. That theme no longer existed. That was in 2019 and we are in 2022. Why would I have to open it again if I wanted to go in peace. I wanted peace of mind to continue with my things. There was the support of the parents towards me.

-Did you not promise anything to the parents to help you with this problem?

. Take them to a Copa Libertadores? I was always sincere, I don’t like foreign reinforcements. I preferred to take my younger players to see what women’s football is really like elsewhere.

– His idea changed because he once said that it was good to have players from abroad.

Clear. But not for the Copa Libertadores. Because in the end they are not your athletes. You go back to your country and those players leave. Yes they are going to contribute to you, but as a team, in my opinion, it was better to bring players from the minor divisions to gain experiences.

-How did you leave the campus after finishing your stage in University?

Very well. I think a coach is going to like 25 people. I would like to know which coach everyone likes. That does not exist. Not Guardiola. The most important thing is work.

-What actions will you take?

I have to follow what my lawyers say. I can’t come out of nowhere to say things. Also, I don’t want this snowball to keep growing. And if I will have to continue in my personal business as an entrepreneur that I am also and I will have to miss the field, I will.

Juan Pablo Durand.  (Photo: GEC | Juan Ponce)



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