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This hybrid Volvo beat out the Prius

In 1993, Volvo presented a concept car called 850 Hybrid Concept. Compared to a normal 850, this one stood out with its new kind of mechanics. In place of the original block, there was… an airplane turbine, which acted as a generator powering an electric motor!

Volvo 850 Hybrid Concept 1993 – ©Bonhams

An imposing nickel-cadmium battery was installed in the boot and this could also be recharged by regenerative braking, as in current electric and hybrid cars. Unfortunately, the turbine was very energy-intensive (what a surprise!), the autonomy was not convincing and the overall reliability was uncertain to say the least.

Volvo 850 Hybrid Concept 1993
Volvo 850 Hybrid Concept 1993 – ©Bonhams

This is why this project fell into oblivion. Presented 4 years before the Toyota Prius, this forgotten Volvo changed hands for the tidy sum of €62,100! The story doesn’t say if it’s still rolling…

Source: 20minutes

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