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Is a world without passwords possible? Apple, Google and Microsoft are already on their way to it

Tech companies like Manzana, Google Y microsoft has announced its support for the common passwordless login standard, which will facilitate secure access to digital services without having to enter one of these passwords.

The common passwordless login standard, created by the FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), is a new approach to login that protects from phishingone of the main threats to passwords.

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Unlike passwords and multifactor systems, will allow you to authenticate access to a digital service with a verification of your fingerprint or face or by entering a PIN on the device.

This approach puts the device at the center of the new secure way of signing in; It links a private key with the user’s personal account and allows it to be synchronized between devices for use on the web.

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This system is also known as ‘password‘ and is already supported by iOS, in the second beta of version 15.5, and by Google, in a version not yet final of Google Play Services (version 22.15. 14).

Now, and officially, Apple, Google and Microsoft have communicated their support for this technology, as reflected in a joint statement, and these new capabilities are expected to be available on the platforms of the three companies in the course of the next year.

Source: Elcomercio

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