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Russia acknowledges that Western support for Ukraine prevented a “quick” end to its military offensive

The military and information aid that Western countries provide to Ukraine prevents that Russia quickly conclude its offensive, the Kremlin said on Thursday, assuring however that it would meet all its objectives.

The spokesman for the Russian presidency, Dmitry Peskov, also stated that the humanitarian corridors “are working” on Thursday at the steel mill Azovstal to evacuate civilians from this last pocket of resistance by Ukrainian fighters in the port city of Mariupol.

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“The United States, the United Kingdom, NATO as a whole constantly share information with the Ukrainian armed forces. Combined with the arms deliveries (…) these actions do not allow the operation to end quickly”, Peskov told reporters in reaction to a Wednesday publication in the New York Times.

According to this newspaper, which cites anonymous sources from the US intelligence services, the information provided by the United States to the Ukrainian army made it possible to locate several Russian generals near the front.

These Western actions “have no capacity to prevent” the objectives of the Russian offensive in Ukrainethe Kremlin spokesman insisted.

He also assured that the Russian army was respecting the ceasefire announced the day before to allow the evacuation of civilian refugees in the iron and steel complex of Azovstal.

“The corridors are running there today,” he said. peskovdenying statements from kyiv that fighting was taking place between Russian and Ukrainian forces to control the facilities.

“The Ukrainian side and above all (the fighters) who are sheltered at the site of the steel mill are known to fabricate many lies,” he said.

Source: Elcomercio

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