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In France, the term “streamer” now translates to … “player” or “player”

In France, the term “streamer” now translates to … “player” or “player”

In France, the term “streamer” now translates to … “player” or “player”

The translation of the term “streamer” is “joueur” or “joueuse”, according to the commission for the enrichment of the French language. This is what is indicated in the Official Journal of May 29. Despite certain nuances such as “player-host” or “live player”, some regret that the streaming has not been understood in its entirety, explains Numerama.

Streaming isn’t just about gaming

In the definition given by the French language enrichment commission, a streamer is a “player who broadcasts and comments live on the web on his own part of a video game, while interacting with his community of spectators”.

If the definition is not false, it is incomplete, note our colleagues. Indeed, we should add the other approaches to “streaming” such as streamers of sports, politics, new technologies or even music, among others.

A more complete definition in 2015

But there is also a whole part of streaming where Internet users only discuss everything and nothing with each other, in front of the camera. Not to mention the “react” phenomenon, which consists of filming one’s reaction when viewing content, whether it is a music clip, a documentary or the trailer of a film.

If this translation causes reaction, it is also because this same commission had proposed in 2015 a definition of streaming which took more into account the entire phenomenon: “said of the diffusion or reception by the Internet of content audio and video, in a mode of transmission allowing streaming without downloading. It now remains to be seen whether the proposal made for “streamer” will be corrected with comments from the community.

Source: 20minutes

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