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It is no longer just images and videos, now an AI is capable of generating sounds from text

It is no longer just images and videos, now an AI is capable of generating sounds from text

It is no longer just images and videos, now an AI is capable of generating sounds from text

The artificial intelligence It never ceases to amaze and, if you thought you had already seen them all with image and video generators, now AudioGen has arrived, an AI that creates sounds from textual commands.

DALL-E 2 and Midjourney have shown how impressive they are at creating art from text, while Meta and Google have debuted their own AI products that generate video. Now, researchers from Meta and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem introduce AudioGen, an AI that generates sounds.

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Whistling with background wind” either “A man speaks while birds sing and dogs bark” are some of the orders that AudioGen follows to create very realistic sounds, as presented by Felix Kreuk, from the research team, through his Twitter account.

In their academic paper, the team explains that AudioGen is an autoregressive model of text-based audio generation.

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According to the researchers, AudioGen can distinguish between different types of noise and separate them from each other; for example, you can filter two people talking at the same time. In this way, the generated samples can be editable and more precise.

The project used 10 data sets so the AI ​​can learn about different soundsyes Although still in development, the team plans release AudioGen to the general publicfor which they will share the code on GitHub.

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Image and video generating AIs have already carved out a space for themselves among users, who experiment with these tools on a daily basis with incredible results. Diario El Comercio has even tested what artificial intelligences like Midjourney and DALL-E 2 are capable of creating a futuristic version of the city of Lima.

Source: Elcomercio

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