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UN General Assembly classifies Russian annexation of territories in Ukraine as “illegal”

UN General Assembly classifies Russian annexation of territories in Ukraine as “illegal”

UN General Assembly classifies Russian annexation of territories in Ukraine as “illegal”

The General Assembly of the UN approved this Wednesday by an overwhelming majority a resolution condemning “illegal annexation” by Russia of four territories Ukraineinflicting a new diplomatic defeat on Moscow, which had vetoed a similar resolution in the Security Council at the end of September.

The resolution, presented by Albanian and her own Ukraineand co-sponsored by some seventy countries, was approved by 143 votes in favor, five against (Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Nicaragua and Syria) and 35 abstentions, including China, Bolivia, Algeria, Pakistan, Honduras or Mali.

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The resolution, titled “Territorial integrity of Ukraine: defense of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations”, declares that “unlawful acts”referring to the referendums that Russia held in Donbas, Kherson, Lugansk and Zaporizhzhia, from September 23 to 27 last, “they have no validity (…) nor do they serve to modify in any way the status of those regions in Ukraine”.

In this sense, “exhorts” to States, international organizations and specialized agencies of the UN to what “do not recognize any modification of the statute” of these regions anddemands” a Russia that “Immediately and unconditionally revoke your decisions” as “They constitute a violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and are incompatible with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.”

Also, he asks “to withdraw immediately, completely and unconditionally all its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.”

This is the third defeat that the international community has inflicted on Russia on the UN since it invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

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In the two previous resolutions of the general Assembly against the Russian invasion, 141 and 140 countries voted in favour, 5 against (Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea and Syria) and 35 and 38 abstained, including China, respectively.

Despite the tiredness that many countries in the South had shown that the conflict in Ukraine dominates the international agenda leaving aside other problems of vital importance to them, the European Unionthe main supporter of the resolution, and the United States, score a new diplomatic victory against Russia, which continues to be isolated in its war.

Source: Elcomercio

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