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Netflix adds the option to transfer profiles as a prelude to the end of shared accounts

Netflix adds the option to transfer profiles as a prelude to the end of shared accounts

Netflix adds the option to transfer profiles as a prelude to the end of shared accounts

Netflix recently unveiled its ad-supported budget plan, in an obvious attempt to fight account sharing. With this goal as a priority, the company has launched a feature that makes it much easier to move a user’s profile data to a different account.

It is, therefore, a tool that allows users take their viewing data, recommendations, movies, series saved in the list and much more even if they leave the home of the original account holder.

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“People move. Families grow. Relationships end. But throughout these life changes, your experience with Netflix should remain the same,” writes Netflix product manager Timi Kosztin in a blog post echoed by Protocol on Monday.

Apparently, this is the prelude to the massive persecution of shared accounts that generates so much headache for the streaming platform. And with good reason. According to ‘Business Insider’, the company estimates that around 100 million households exchange accounts.

The drop in subscribers that Netflix suffered in April and that increased in July has caused the company to activate two unique measures.

The first, the implementation of a Basic plan with advertising that returns us to the DTT proposal.

The second, the new shared account policy that will force you to pay an extra if you share Netflix and enjoy the service from a location other than your home.

Source: Elcomercio

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