Skip to content, the most visited download site, will close after two decades, the most visited download site, will close after two decades, the most visited download site, will close after two decades

The page, which offers a large number of records pirated and has millions of users registered, will close this Wednesday, November 30 and, with it, all the documents in your cloud, which will also be deleted from the servers. is a website founded in 2005 and acquired by the Swedish organization Cyando AG in 2012, which allows uploading and downloading files and which, in its day, came to compete with another of the unauthorized content distribution channels, Megaupload. , closed in 2012.

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This website has a subscription service and several storage plans for these files in the cloud, which works in a similar way to Google Drive and other services of this type.

Due to the fact that pirated files and copies of original documents that infringe copyright or copyright abound on this portal, this website has been in the crosshairs of the authorities since its inception.

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As TorrentFreak has learned, which has had access to the emails sent by Cyando to its users, the company has chosen to end this service, which will stop providing support as of this Wednesday, November 30.

From this medium they highlight that the main website of has been shown in recent days as usual and at no time has it been specified that it will cease to exist. However, they have discovered that some of their payment gateways have stopped working.

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For its part, the platform would have encouraged users to make backup copies of their files, which would initially cease to be available from this very day, November 30. has not made reference to the reason why it will stop working either, since it has only alluded to the fact that “the situation is such that it has to be closed”.

It should be remembered that, currently, this website is immersed in different judicial processes, since its problems with the copyright owners of the files it collects date back at least eight years, according to said medium.

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It was in 2014 when the Regional Court of Hamburg (Germany) determined that had not removed content protected by copyright, after receiving several notifications to delete these files. Just a year earlier, Cyando received a lawsuit from the publisher Elsevier for distributing copies of books since 2013.

Source: Elcomercio

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