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Genesis, Hyundai’s luxury car that opens with facial recognition

Genesis, Hyundai’s luxury car that opens with facial recognition

Genesis, Hyundai’s luxury car that opens with facial recognition

According to the technology advances, new systems reach the automotive industry. Not long ago it was quite new to be able to open the car without having to remove the key, then by means of a apps where you can even “share” car between people.

But Genesis, Hyundai’s luxury brand, goes a step further with facial recognition to open the car and use it. But before thinking about hackers, the brand has all this under control.

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The facial recognition will be available, initially, only in the European GV60. This is a mini SUV with a coupe silhouette whose target audience is young people and that is why it is the first model to incorporate this technology.

Through a sensor Located in the pole B, the one between the windows, the system recognizes the driver’s face just like with a smartphone. This is achieved after setting up a profile on the center screen in order to provide security for the GV60 owner.

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This is how it turns on

Once open, to start the engine, simply put the finger in it Corresponding area of the center console for this to happen. Genesis ensures that the biometric data they are totally encrypted and at no time will they be uploaded to a database, so “identity theft” is practically impossible.

To start the engine, simply place your finger on the corresponding area. (Photo: HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP)

Other alternatives

In case of not wanting to use this new system, the use of the traditional one is always present. key as well as the apps or smart watch attached to the car This is useful for those who share their Genesis GV60 with family or friends, as well as when leaving it at a valet parking, for example.

At the moment, only the GV60 will have facial recognition but it is likely that later reach the rest of the rangeand even the most luxurious vehicles from Hyundai and KIA, let’s remember, they are part of the same automotive group.

GDA / El Universal / Mexico

Source: Elcomercio

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