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Now the web version of Microsoft Excel will suggest the best formula for each situation

Microsoft has implemented new features in the web version of Excel, including Formula Suggestions to find the best formula based on context and Formula By Example to fill the entire column with the same formula based on a pattern.

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With this update, Microsoft intends to make Excel easier to use and make it a tool with capabilities to help “save time” Y “Learn more” about the formulas of the program, as the company has indicated in its blog.

One of the problems that users face when using Excel is choosing the most appropriate formula to apply in each situation. Also another problem is not remembering the formula completely; hence the company has developed a new format called Formula Suggestions.

With this function, the user will simply have to write the ‘=’ sign in the formula bar or in the cell itself. Excel will automatically recommend the formula it deems most appropriate taking contextual data into account.

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Specifically, the formulas that this function can suggest are SUM (sum), AVERAGE (mean), COUNT (count), COUNTA (count of the number of values ​​in a data set), MIN (minimum), MAX (maximum). for now, formula hints are only supported for English documents.

Another novelty is the Formula by Example function, which consists of a quick filling of cells based on a pattern. This option is similar to the function FlashFill, which is used when data is manually and repetitively entered into cells. In this way, Excel identifies a pattern and autofills the rest of the selected cells with that same data, so now it has extended this capability to formulas.

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That is, with this implementation Excel may prompt the user to fill in an entire column operating with the same formula in each case, as long as you identify the same pattern in it.

Microsoft’s update for the web version of Excel also includes other new features such as ability to add images in cells along with alt text. To do this, the user will have to write the formula ‘=IMAGE(source, [alt_text], [sizing], [heigh], [width]).

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The font refers to the URL path of the image file, while ‘alt_text’ is the alternative text that describes the image. The size, height, and width, on the other hand, specify the dimensions of the image, but are optional. Specifically, Excel will accept images in BMP, JPG/JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, ICO, and WEBP formats, as detailed by Microsoft.

Similarly, Microsoft has announced the Suggested Links feature, with which Excel will repair broken links to other workbooks stored in the cloud. In this way, when an external link to a cloud workbook stops working, the program will suggest a new location to the user to repair the broken link. However, Microsoft has pointed out that this feature has not yet been implemented and is still under development.

Source: Elcomercio

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