Nitrites and nitrates are also used as additives in bacon and sausages (Photo: Alamy Stock Photo)

Bacon and sausage sandwiches have been linked to type 2 diabetes due to the presence of additives to preserve their shelf life.

A study published Tuesday in the journal PLOS Medicine suggests a link between dietary nitrite exposure and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Nitrites and nitrates occur naturally in water and soil and are commonly ingested through drinking water and food sources. They are also used as additives in bacon and sausages.

Some health authorities have advocated restricting the use of nitrites and nitrates as food additives.

Researchers examined data collected from 104,168 participants to develop statistical models to analyze self-reported nutritional information with health outcomes.

Bacon and sausage sandwiches have been linked to type 2 diabetes due to the presence of additives to preserve their shelf life (Photo: Unsplash)

It found that participants who reported higher intakes of nitrites in general, and specifically from food additives and non-additive sources, had a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

There was no association between nitrates and the risk of type 2 diabetes, and the results did not support a potential benefit of dietary nitrites or nitrates in protecting against type 2 diabetes.

The study had several limitations and additional research is needed to validate the results. The data was self-reported and researchers could not confirm specific nitrite/nitrate exposure with biomarkers due to underlying biological challenges.

In addition, the cohort included a greater number of younger individuals, more often women, who displayed healthier behaviors.

“These results provide new evidence regarding current discussions about the need to reduce the use of nitrite additives in processed meat in the food industry and may support the need for better regulation of soil pollution from fertilizers,” he said. the explorers.

“Meanwhile, several health authorities around the world are already recommending that citizens limit their consumption of foods containing controversial additives, including sodium nitrite.”