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AI could “fire” you from your job: 98% of HR managers will use it for that task

AI could “fire” you from your job: 98% of HR managers will use it for that task

AI could “fire” you from your job: 98% of HR managers will use it for that task

In addition to selecting personnel, now the artificial intelligence now you can also select candidates to leave a company. Recently, a survey revealed that those responsible for the human resources area will rely on AI to make that decision.

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According to the survey made by Capterraweb page that reviews the software of said tools, 98% of the people in the mentioned area they claim that artificial intelligence will make their job easier in the future, especially for mass layoffs.

The survey was conducted at 300 HR people from US companies.

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Also, the 70% of hiring managers who participated in the survey, agreed that The most important factor when firing is performance.

This is not the first time that artificial intelligence has been used in companies. Since 2008, Those in charge of hiring staff have turned to machine learning programs to analyze data from potential candidates. In the same way, this technology has been a tool to select who should be interviewed and, finally, hired.

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According to Business Insider, experts believe that relying on AI for layoffs would only bring trouble. “Leaving the final decision of who stays or who leaves in the hands of AI when a company decides what it has to do as personnel managers, can be a “leakage risk” of the company’s talent”add.

While the use of this technology can be a relief for the HR department, is in the hands of personnel managers evaluate recommendations and take into account other more human factors that are not quantifiable by artificial intelligence”he concludes.

Source: Elcomercio

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