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Why use airplane mode even if you’re not traveling?

Why use airplane mode even if you’re not traveling?

Why use airplane mode even if you’re not traveling?

The airplane mode that comes in the cell phone It not only serves to be used when we are traveling; Also, it has other advantages that we can take advantage of while on dry land.

This tool allows you to turn off all the network connections of the equipment to be used when you are in the air. But, it serves much more. Next, we explain the advantages of using airplane mode even if you are not in one.

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The advantages of using airplane mode on your cell phone when you’re not flying

save battery

By activating airplane mode, the cell phone reduces its activity to the maximum and thus saves energy. This is beneficial if your battery is low and you want to make sure you save power without having to turn off your computer.

faster charging

This tool also allows you to reduce the charging time of your mobile. If your battery is low and you are not at home, this is a way to optimize charging since activating airplane mode turns off WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth.

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games without ads

Likewise, you will be able to play avoiding annoying ads since the cell phone will not have Internet access. However, you should keep in mind that you will not be able to access all the titles.

Enter WhatsApp secretly

Finally, airplane mode offers the possibility of using the famous messaging app anonymously, since you will be able to access and see conversations without the other knowing that you did so.

Source: Elcomercio

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