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What the 12 points of China’s peace plan to end the war say and what Putin responded to Xi

What the 12 points of China’s peace plan to end the war say and what Putin responded to Xi

What the 12 points of China’s peace plan to end the war say and what Putin responded to Xi

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin held a second meeting in Moscow on Tuesday where they discussed the war in Ukraine and they showed themselves as mediators to end the conflict. This when addressing the peace plan proposed by Beijing, the same one that is criticized by the United States and its allies, considering that it is a unilateral attempt to cover up the Russian president, who has given no sign of wanting to stop the invasion.

putin He said the peace plan could be used as a basis for ending the war, “when they are ready in the West and in kyiv.”

LOOK: Why did the leaders of China and Japan visit Russia and Ukraine (and what effects will it have on the war)?

Butassured, Russia he has not yet seen such a “preparation” from the other side.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping toast during a reception following their talks in the Kremlin, on March 21, 2023. (Photo by Pavel Byrkin/SPUTNIK/AFP) (PAVEL BYRKIN/)

China made public on February 24 its 12 point planwhere he calls for peace talks and respect for national sovereignty, although it does not demand that Russia abandon Ukraine or return the conquered territories.

“We are always open to negotiations. We will certainly talk about all these issues, including your initiatives, which we treat with respect.” said putin to Xi during the meeting that was broadcast on Russian television. He assured that Moscow and Beijing have “numerous goals in common.”

“I know that you (…) have a fair and balanced position on the most urgent international issues,” he added.

While Xi Jinping said that his government is in favor of peace and dialogue, and that China is on the “right side of history”.

He reiterated that China had an “impartial position” on the conflict in Ukraine.

Xi Jinping he also welcomed the “close relations” between China and Russia and their “global strategic cooperation.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping shake hands during an agreement signing ceremony following their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow on March 21, 2023. (Photo by Mikhail TERESHCHENKO/SPUTNIK/ AFP).

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping shake hands during an agreement signing ceremony following their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow on March 21, 2023. (Photo by Mikhail TERESHCHENKO/SPUTNIK/ AFP). (MIKHAIL TERESHCHENKO/)

China is “willing to stand firmly by the side of Russia” for the sake of a “true multilateralism” and a “multipolarity in the world”, he added.

“I have built a close relationship with President Putin over the past 10 years,” followed Xi. “We agreed that the relations between our two nations go far beyond ourselves. They are crucial to the world order and the future and destiny of all humanity.”

In response to the plan Xi Jinpingthe President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskysaid Tuesday that he suggested to China to join the Ukrainian peace formula to end the war, but is still waiting for an answer.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.  (EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZO).

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. (EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZO).

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken reacted to China’s plan for Ukraine, calling for the world not to be “fooled” by proposals for Xi Jinping.

Blinken assured that Washington welcomes any diplomatic initiative for a “just and lasting peace”, but he doubts that China is safeguarding the “sovereignty and territorial integrity” of Ukraine.

“Calling for a ceasefire that does not include the withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory would be effectively supporting the ratification of the Russian conquest”he added.

While NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday that the peace plan launched by China you should consider the “perspective” of Ukraine.

“It is up to Ukraine to decide what are the acceptable conditions for any peaceful solution,” he said.

“Therefore, China You need to start understanding Ukraine’s perspective and engage directly with President Volodymyr Zelensky if you want to get serious about peace,” he added.

Xi Jinpin’s visit to Russia came days after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin.

Putin and his children’s commissioner, Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, face charges related to the alleged illegal deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia.

A few weeks ago, the United States warned that China could start providing military support to Russia, including the delivery of weapons.

In the meeting between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin the subject was not touched on.

We have not seen any evidence that China is delivering lethal weapons to Russiabut we have seen some signs that Russia has requested it, and that this is an issue that the Chinese authorities are considering in Beijing.” Jens Stoltenberg told reporters in Brussels.

Source: Elcomercio

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