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Peru will be part of NASA’s Artemis program trips to the Moon

Our country will be part of the next era of space exploration. Through an agreement between the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP), Morhead State University and the company Intuitive Machines (IM), the Sicaya Radio Observatory, located in Huancayo, Junín, will monitor trips to the Moon of the Artemis program of the POT and also flights for tourist purposes, as well as those for research.

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researchers of the POT and businessmen from Intuitive Machines have seen the opportunity to integrate Sicaya’s radar to make trips to the Moon, not only for tourism but also for research that allows us to understand what is happening in spacesaid the doctor. Hernando Tavera, president of the IGP, the Andean agency.

This cooperation agreement will have a duration of 20 years. In addition, Sicaya’s radar will be part of a flight tracking system with six stations spread over different parts of the planet. The objective is to ensure the monitoring and communication of lunar missions.

The Artemis I rocket sits on the launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, on August 26, 2022, ahead of its expected launch on August 29. (CHANDAN KHANNA/)

The announcement was revealed within the framework of the reopening ceremony of the ‘Mutsumi Ishitsuka’ National Planetarium, in which IGP researchers, the Minister of the Environment Albina Ruiz and also representatives of Intuitive Machines and Morhead State University participated.

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The starting point of this travel project is tourism but science has to take advantage of this facility to do research in favor of humanity”, indicated the president of the IGP.

It should be noted that Intuitive Machines works with NASA on the transport of objects and research vehicles on the surface of the Moon. This joint work is part of the Luna Commercial Payload Services (CLPS) initiative and the Artemis lunar exploration program.

With information from El Comercio and Andina.

Source: Elcomercio

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