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Samsung will start manufacturing 2nm mobile chips in 2025

Samsung will start manufacturing 2nm mobile chips in 2025

Samsung will start manufacturing 2nm mobile chips in 2025

samsung has shared its latest advances in the foundry area, which include the roadmap for mass chip manufacturing with the 2-nanometer process and the expansion of its function capacity with the opening of new production lines.

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The strategy of the South Korean company seeks to consolidate its competitiveness in the foundry area, As he highlighted in the framework of the seventh edition of the Samsung Foundry Forumand where it has stated its intention to address the needs of customers in the age of artificial intelligence through advanced semiconductor technology.

In this event samsungshared that the mass production of mobile chips made with a 2 nanometer process will start in 2025. This, in addition to reducing the area by 5%, will increase performance by 12% and energy efficiency by 25%.

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The company plans to extend the 2-nanometer process one later to high performance computing and in 2027 to the automotive sectorthe year in which the mass production of the 1.4 nanometer process will also begin, as stated in a statement.

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In 2025, it also hopes to have the 5 nanometer radio frequency chips for 6G connectivityand begin foundry services for 8-inch GaN chips, as well as expand 8- and 14-nanometer RF chips to the automotive sector.

Samsung has also shared its plans to expand its foundry capacity, with the investment and development of new manufacturing lines in Pyeongtaek (South Korea) and Taylor (Texas, United States)). Pyeongtaek Line 3 will begin mass production of mobile chips in the second half of the year while the Taylor plant is expected to be operational by the end of 2024.

The South Korean company has also announced the MDI Alliancein collaboration with its partners and other industry players, to create an ecosystem of packaging technology for heterogeneous 2.5D and 3D integration.

Source: Elcomercio

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