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Taiwan detects two Russian ships near its territorial waters

He Taiwanese Ministry of Defense detected two ships of the Russian Navy sailing near its territorial waters, something unusual in the Strait of Formosa and its surroundings, local media reported today.

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The military portfolio reported that last night it recorded the passage of two russian corvettes due north in waters near the east of taiwan and that later they moved away in a southwesterly direction, collects the official CNA agency.

The Taiwanese Army monitored the passage of the ships using intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance techniques, in addition to sending planes and ships to follow the movements of the vessels.

The Ministry did not specify details about the proximity of the Russian ships to the coasts of taiwan or your specific identification.

Unlike the Chinese and American navies, it is quite rare for Russian military vessels to sail in waters near Taiwan or through the Strait of Formosa.

He People’s Liberation Army (PLA, Chinese Army) has notably increased its presence in the area since August last year, when the then Speaker of the House of Representatives of USA, Nancy Pelosivisited taiwana trip that infuriated China.

In response, Beijing deployed for several days around the island military maneuvers of an unprecedented intensity in years, something that was repeated this year after the Taiwanese president, Tsai Ing-wenmeet in The Angels (USA) with Pelosi’s successor in office, kevin mccarthy.

Last week Taipei denounced that eight airplanes combat chinese they approached the so-calledcontiguous zone” of taiwan -24 nautical miles from its coasts-, the first time that such a close approach by Chinese planes to Taiwanese territory has been confirmed.

The Asian giant claims sovereignty over taiwana territory that considers a “rebel province” since in 1949 the nationalists of the Kuomintang they retreated there after losing the war against the communist army.

Source: Elcomercio

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