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Sam Altman on the change with artificial intelligence: “There are jobs that are going to disappear, period”

Sam Altman on the change with artificial intelligence: “There are jobs that are going to disappear, period”

Sam Altman on the change with artificial intelligence: “There are jobs that are going to disappear, period”

The artificial intelligence It has generated many doubts, especially around the possibility that some jobs will disappear. Although some experts have thrown in cold cloths, sam altmanCEO of OpenAI, assured that this change is inevitable.

In an interview with The Atlantic, he indicated that “jobs are going to disappear, period.” The problem is that it is not known what these jobs will be.

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As early as March 2023, according to a Xataka report, Open AI researchers pointed out that translators and interpreters would be more affected than others, such as writers, or the staff in charge of the surveys.

Another study pointed out that lawyers, teachers, judges or financial managers were on the list of possible affected jobs.

For Altman it is an inevitable change. “I don’t think we want to go back,” he indicated about the labor evolution. In the case of teachers, he considered that they will be a type of professional who may be safer because people will always prefer to be taught by a human being.

According to the CEO of OpenAI, and creator of ChatGPT, the changes brought about by AI will occur “faster than in the past.” While some jobs may disappear, new ones will appear.

Source: Elcomercio

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